Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Listening to the voice within

Good Morning

 As I sit here, the stillness and gentleness of this very moment is just beautiful.  Recognizing possibly for the first time, that in stopping all the noise and chatter, it truly creates a space that receives so much.  In the space of listening, I hear so much.  Not only the sounds outside of myself, -the whisperings of my soul begin to evolve.  As I pay close attention, I receive the messages that are inspired from within me, for me,.

It is a beautiful moment to finally hear the stirring of your hearts call and wisdom to finally know this voice inside of me, is speaking volumes daily.  Which stirrings will I honor today?  They say, what I give my attention too, I receive more of...something to continue working and growing into.  If I will surrender my idle chatter, and mind messages from the past, I can free myself to hear what is for me in this very moment.  As always I am a work in progress, I hope you are too.

ListeningHeart Kim