Thursday, January 27, 2011


Thursday, 27 January, 2011 ListeningHeart Kim

OK third attempt at writing this mornings blog.  WOW!  The universe is playing...ohhhh how fun!  LOL...  Today is actually my first attempt at consistency of writing.  Focusing on the life that I am wanting more of.  Bringing my reality of NOW, into a beautiful experience of Life Lived with Joy, and Love. 

Writing seems to be filling my thoughts as words seem to be what keep being received on an incoming basis.  What I have been putting in me as of late, has been lots of positive reading, uplifting messages, that have filled the spaces of brokenness and torment.  Encouraging words, written to me by friends and family, who are so supportive to my journey of a lifetime. 

I have begun to process a lot of the phrases, quotes, scriptures, pictures, words, shared information of love and health into my own personal life.  I am no longer outward LOOKING, but instead LOOKING inward to myself.  How can I apply these life lessons, if I don't LOOK inside.  How can I change if I don't LOOK inside.  How can I change if I don't want to SEE, the things that have been keeping me from my very best. 

Every time I choose to LOOK within, I change bit by bit the things, that I find, do not align with my highest good for me and others around me.  In doing this, I have slowly embedded a new way of being.  If I LOOK at me, with eyes WIDE open and a Heart that is growing day by day, I will surely touch the very Heart of God, as I will be living to my best ability in the God who has given me Life. 

So, in stopping the nonsense of negative thinking, of spiraling out of control in every situation that has NOTHING to do with me. I can now stop taking things personally,  and this is a BIG thing for me.  I actually DO FEEL that, to surrender our souls, to the Light  of ALL THAT IS, is- to be illuminated and in so doing, I can grow into a Light that can produce a Love that is coming from a true and sincere place. 

Understanding that the responsibility of my own personal life is MINE.  It does not belong to anyone else.  Any thoughts that do not come from me, or that are not of Love, are NOT mine.  When others point, and command obedience to a way that is not shown in Love...or given in Love, it is NOT LOVE.  WOW!  Another BIGGIE FOR ME!  Amazing wonderful and so glad I have received this message and have actually placed it where it its proper my heart that will continue to decipher what is for my highest good always.

To be true to my own natural rhythms and gifts are where I long to be, and where I long to share my life from.  I know, that God has brought me to the place I am in, both physically and spiritually, so that I might learn this very lesson.  A lesson that truly is laden with jewels that if I will take from them, the message they possess, I will find that glorious crown of glory God talks about.  To be true to myself, means I will be joyous, and loving and will walk in the way that shines the most Light. 

As I journey I notice some will walk with me, while others may not.  I am OK, with that.  I am learning, that I cannot make anyone do anything they do not want to in releasing them, the struggles I found myself in, are released and solutions for them will show up in their own and perfect time, just like they will for me.  I walk in my own life, on my own terms, and I now allow others the same beautiful gift, that has been given me, and that is to recognize to each their own way, and life, walk it to the best of your ability...and I will do the same...

From the place of grace I can now, focus on the joy that I want for my life...and if anyone wants to join with me...I say...awesome...lets walk together...equally and in love...I am no longer Judge and Jury of my peers, I am a walk in the park on a summer day, I am a love that grows ever more beautiful as each day is done, as I truly discover the nuances that are creating abundance and Life lived in Joy...and understanding that Happiness truly is in the journey of a life well lived.

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